Remanufactured Drum Unit : Use Japan Fuji OPC Drum
Compare with the genuine parts , you can get it in a lower price .
Compare with compatible product , It work better, more stable and longer life.
Use in :
ApeosPort -IV C2270 C2275 C3370 C3371 C3373 C3375 C4470 C4475 C5570 C5575
ApeosPort -V C2275 C2276 C3373 C3374 C3375 C3376 C4475 C4476 C5575 C5576 C6675 C6676 C7775 C7776
DocuCentre -IV C2270 C2275 C3370 C3371 C3373 C3375 C4470 C4475 C5570 C5575
DocuCentre -V C2275 C2276 C3373 C3374 C3375 C3376 C4475 C4476 C5575 C5576 C6675 C6676 C7775 C7776
CT350851 Remanufactured Drum Unit for Xerox ApeosPort -IV C2270 C2275 C3370
Product Name Drum Unit Quality Remanufactured Package Paper package Package Unit 1 unit Per 1 Paper Packge Weight 2KG